The absence, in the Swiss emigrant community, of an independent company in the area of Banking, Insurance and Real Estate Investments, exclusively open to professionals, led Fernando Graça to the creation of Parcialfinance Conseil Assurances et Investissements SA in 2000. This happened after Fernado graça has spent 16 years as an advisor at Império França and 3 years as commercial director at Império Switzerland.
Parcialgest Imobiliário Lda was created in June 2006 to respond to the real estate investment needs of the more than 15,000 clients that we had in our portfolio. This company has been regularly diversifying its emigration services activity, being today a reference in its areas of intervention.
Today we have more than 20.000 clients around the world and we have offices in Portugal, Switzerland, Luxembourg, France and Belgium.
Totally independent of the interests and influences of banking institutions and insurance companies, we select and permanently negotiate the products that best meet the needs of more than 20,000 customers in our portfolio.
Our independence grants the quality of our advice and enables an adequate response to the needs of each and every client.
Having offices in Switzerland, Portugal, France, Luxembourg and Belgium, the Parcialfinance Group is physically present in the main concentrations of portuguese communities in Europe. Always attentive to the changing needs of the communities, we will remain available to intervene in other markets if we feel that our presence can become an added value for the Group and its customers.
Aware that the evolution of the markets is a constant in the lives of companies, Parcialfinance, today serves portuguese and foreigners residing in the various continentes. Today we can reach foreigners, around the world trough our online platforms, and help them achieve their goals of living or investing in Portugal
In 2013 we’ve created Beach Rentals brand that is aimed for those we wish to rent beach holiday houses. The tourism area is therefore a new development area for the Parcialfinance group.
Support of cultural, sporting and social activities in our communities is a matter of pride, principles and duty. The Cultural activity of the Consulate of Geneva, the FC Desportivo de Lausanne, the Sentir Guiné-Bissau movement, the Folklore Group of the Catholic Community of Geneva, the refugees from war in Angola, the SOS Children’s Villages, Portuguese Association of Walferdange, Parents association of Ettelbruck and Rancho Folclórico Provinces de Portugal de Esch-sur-Alzette are just some of the causes that we´re proud to have supported over the years.
Conjunto de regras de conduta de um indivíduo ou de um grupo.
Cumprimento do trabalho com seriedade, rigor, competência; procedimento do que é bom profissional.
Coragem proveniente da convicção no próprio valor.
Estado de não se achar sob domínio ou influência estranha.
Sentimento de amor ou de grande afeição por Portugal.
Aproximação social ou afetiva. = FAMILIARIDADE
Cumprimento dos deveres e obrigações dos indivíduos e empresas para com a sociedade em geral.
More than declarations of intention, or highly elaborated frases made by the Marketing departments, it is the values we defend and our daily actions that stand and demonstrate our work and transform business projects into concrete realities. It is the loyalty and trust of customers that cross generations.
The ParcialFinance Group is no exception to this simplistic but demanding rule, which obliges each of us to question ourselves every day and to constantly seek perfection, humbly accepting that we will never achieve it.
These are values such as: Professionalism, Trust and Ethics that have been part of our DNA since the beginning. For us, our customers and employees are the reason for our existence.
Only united and together we can build the future.
Beach Rentals by Parcial Holidays é uma marca registada do Grupo Parcialfinance.
Dedicamo-nos à gestão de apartamentos no Algarve, tanto para soluções de rentabilização através de ocupação de férias, como à rentabilização via arrendamento de longa duração.
Contamos com uma equipa jovem, dinâmica e bem-disposta, assegurando aos hospedes um elevado grau de acompanhamento e conforto nas suas estadias.
Proporcionar estadias felizes junto ao mar.
Ser a empresa referência em gestão de apartamentos no Algarve.