More than 20.000 clients are already working with us. What are you waiting for?

Property Management

The Property Management allows you to have more income with your property, without wasting time and without further tax and bureaucratic complications.

Rent Management


We charge the rent value and pay you


Online Customer Support




Contact Management


What can you expect from us

Property management is currently a highly important activity, as an owner always seeks to obtain the highest return on the properties he owns.

By delegating the management of a property to ParcialFinance Portugal, the owner benefits from the added value of a professional service, with the guarantee that we will strive for the quality of the services provided daily in advising, protecting and making the most of your real estate investments.

Our property management is based on the idea that it is possible to guarantee the legal and economic viability of the lease, that the relationship with the tenant can be valued, and that renting the property adds value to your assets.

For all these reasons, and because we believe that property management is a complex activity and that requires daily and permanent monitoring, we defend that property management can be enhanced by companies with high experience and with management processes and mechanisms involved, on the contrary what happens when the administration of properties is handed over to family members or acquaintances who have no knowledge of the legislation, nor the tools that allow them to optimize the management and profitability of the properties.

This attitude towards property management is further reinforced by the view that only the constant modernization of systems and forms of communication can optimize relationships and reduce overall management costs, which is why we have developed a modern and efficient online client area. Through this customer area, all our proprietary customers are just a click away from all the documentation of their properties, as well as a simple request for contact and / or clarifications online.

On the other hand, the fact that a property management contract exists between the owner and Parcialfinance Portugal guarantees the owner freedom and control over his properties and his rights at any time.

The Partialfinance method:

First, we do a detailed analysis and set goals for your properties. The first steps to be taken are:

  • Define and delimit the tasks delegated to the property administrator;
  • Define and define the administrator’s remuneration rates
  • Define in advance the timeliness of accountability
  • The contract can be terminated at any time, with a period of notice and a minimum duration
  • The owner can at any time consult the documentation of his property directly in his area of online clients, as well as request clarification or online contacts directly in his area of client, without any cost.

In summary, property management guarantees the owner that Parcialfinance Portugal will:

  • Process monthly income receipts;
  • Receive rents;
  • Process the updating of tenant data when there are changes in the leases;
  • Proceed with the annual update of the rent value;
  • Pay to the various service providers, comes as tax payments and other municipal fees, proceeding to the respective accounting;
  • Process the accounts for the property at the defined intervals and sends the respective account statement, accompanied by all supporting documents for income and expenses;
  • Pay the owner thorugh bank transfer or by the account previously indicated.

  • Ensure compliance with legal and administrative provisions relating to property;

  • Keep and file all the documents concerning the property;

  • Perform a survey of the works necessary for the correct maintenance and valuation of the property, and obtains budgets for major conservation works to be analyzed and decided by the owner;

  • Ensure the use of qualified professionals (electricians, masons, plumbers, etc.);

  • If so defined in the contract, Parcialfinance will be representing the owners before the administrative authorities and, if mandated, in legal actions, with legal support;

  • Process the survey of the existing mandatory insurances, if necessary to hire them and promotes their annual update;

  • Advertise vacant fractions for a quick lease;

  • When justified, conduct satisfaction surveys to tenants, so they can be communicated to the owners.

Let's start monetizing your Property?